Eric Alexander’s great concern in Our Great God and Saviour is that Christians should know how rich they are in their gracious God and Saviour, and in his perfect work of salvation. Each study brings out a fresh aspect of this theme, as we contemplate in turn the character of God, the salvation of God, and the church of God. In words which the author quotes from the works of the Puritan Stephen Charnock: ‘If rich men delight to sum up their vast revenues, to read over their rentals, to look upon their hoards, how much more should the people of God please themselves in seeing how rich they are in having an immensely full and all-sufficient God as their inheritance.’ These warm and pastorally-directed studies will provide satisfying food for the hearts and minds of Christian readers everywhere.
Our Great God and Saviour
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These warm and pastorally-directed studies will provide satisfying food for the hearts and minds of Christian readers everywhere.