Sketches from Church History

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‘If you’re the kind of person who has never read a book on church history, this should be your first one…It’s clear, it goes through everything, he picks up edifying accounts, it’s reliable.’ — MARK DEVER

Author: S.M. Houghton

This book outlines the thrilling story of the onward march of the church of Christ from the earliest times to the end of the nineteenth century. It is not a dry-as-dust account of long-forgotten events and controversies, but rather a moving record of those who undertook the adventure of faith before us and through their courage and steadfastness, left an example for the church in every age.

Reading of the exploits of those who have gone before us, through times of prosperity and times of persecution, should stimulate, warn and encourage the church in our own age to persevere in the same path, and obtain the same everlasting reward.