The Sovereignty of God


The Sovereignty of God is perhaps one of the most comprehensive studies on the subject. He begins with a provocative question: Who is regulating affairs on this earth today—God, or the Devil? In a skillful manner, Pink addresses issues such as divine sovereignty and human responsibility and our attitude toward God’s sovereignty, and he reflects on various objections to this doctrine.

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Author: Arthur W. Pink

A. W. Pink’s The Sovereignty of God is perhaps one of the most comprehensive studies on the subject. He begins with a provocative question: Who is regulating affairs on this earth today—God, or the Devil? In a skillful manner, Pink addresses issues such as divine sovereignty and human responsibility and our attitude toward God’s sovereignty, and he reflects on various objections to this doctrine.

A. W. Pink observed in his day that ‘present day conditions call loudly for a new examination and new presentation of God’s omnipotence, God’s sufficiency, God’s sovereignty.’ His answer to this problem was simple: ‘From every pulpit in the land it needs to be thundered forth that God still lives, that God still observes, that God still reigns.’ He writes further, ‘Faith is now in the crucible; it is being tested by fire, and there is no fixed and sufficient resting-place for the heart and mind but in the throne of God. What is needed now, as never before, is a full, positive, constructive setting forth of the Godhood of God.’ This book does exactly that.

Such a book as this must cause serious thought, but it is not intended to provoke mere intellectual discussion. It should drive us to prayer and fill us with joy, taking our eyes off men and fixing them on ‘Jesus, the name high over all, in earth and sea and sky.’