The Banner of Truth Trust is an Evangelical and Reformed non-profit publishing house, structured as a charitable trust and founded in London in 1957 by Iain Murray, Sidney Norton and Jack Cullum. Its offices are now in Edinburgh.
Banner of Truth
By : Thomas Brooks
Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices
‘Christ, the Scripture, your own hearts, and Satan’s devices, are the four prime things that should be first and most studied and searched…’
By : David Broughton Knox
Not By Bread Alone
Thomas Watson’s exposition is always simple, illuminating and rich in practical application. He explains that both the best and the worst experiences work for the good of God’s people. He carefully analyses what it means to be someone who ‘loves God’ and is ‘called according to his purpose.’
By : Frederick S. Leahy
Victory of the Lamb
At Calvary, the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, was not a victim of circumstances but a victor over circumstances: ‘The conflict at Calvary was the crucial and determining encounter between the Lamb of God and Satan. . . At the cross, Christ won and Satan lost, and Satan and his fellow-spirits knew it. . . There is liberation. Christ has won. Actual victory! That is something to preach!’
By : Richard Alderson
No Holiness No Heaven
What is the Christian’s relationship with God’s Law? He has been set free from its condemnation; but is he still under the moral law as a rule of life? Or is he free to live as he pleases? Is holiness an optional extra?
By : Andrew Bonar
Heavenly Springs
Andrew Bonar was to devotional literature what his brother Horatius was to hymn-writing- a master of thoughtful meditation on God’s word. There was poetry in his soul, but he had also come to see that ‘prayer should be the main business of every day’. This was reflected in his life and ministry, as those who knew him, or heard him speak, recognized. He moved among men as one who lived in the presence of God.
By : John Flavel
The Mystery of Providence
Do we believe that everything in the world and in our own lives down to the minutest details is ordered by the providence of God? Do we ever take time to observe and meditate on the workings of Providence? If not, are we missing much?