The Banner of Truth Trust is an Evangelical and Reformed non-profit publishing house, structured as a charitable trust and founded in London in 1957 by Iain Murray, Sidney Norton and Jack Cullum. Its offices are now in Edinburgh.
Banner of Truth
By : Thomas Watson
All Things For Good
Thomas Watson’s exposition is always simple, illuminating and rich in practical application. He explains that both the best and the worst experiences work for the good of God’s people. He carefully analyses what it means to be someone who ‘loves God’ and is ‘called according to his purpose.’
By : Geerhardus Vos
Biblical Theology
The aim of this book is no less than to provide an account of the unfolding of the mind of God in history, through the successive agents of his special revelation. Vos handles this under three main divisions: the Mosaic epoch of revelation, the prophetic epoch of revelation, and the New Testament.
By : Walter J. Chantry
Call The Sabbath A Delight
Walter Chantry’s concern is to show why and how the Lord’s Day is meant to be one of joy and blessing for God’s people
By : Willaim Gurnall
Christian in Complete Armour vol 3
The Christian in Complete Armour is certainly one of the greatest of all the Puritans’ practical writings and has been republished many times. This third volume in the 3-volume paperback set is a modernized abridgement of the Puritan classic by William Gurnall.
By : Tom Wells
Christian Take Heart
Christian: Take Heart! is an antidote to bring healing to the lives of Christians impaired by wrong-headed teaching. But it is also Tom Wells’ confession: ‘I too have been a thief. I have stolen God’s Word from his people’. His exposition of biblical teaching is all the more relevant because written out of a background of personal experience of its misinterpretation. Its chapters on assurance, abiding in Christ, defeat, God’s work in our lives, perseverance and security will encourage both healthy thinking and healthy living in the lives of God’s people.
By : John Murray
Collected Writings of John Murray
Studies in Theology is the fourth and concluding volume in the Collected Writings of John Murray. Like the preceding volumes it presents a selection of the finest work, produced mainly during his long and distinguished ministry as Professor of Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia.
By : John Tallach
God Made Them Great
Estimating greatness not by the usual standards of judgment, John Tallach retells the story of five lives: a German missionary in England who gave his life to the orphans of Bristol’s slums; a Canadian girl who served the Lisu of China and died of cancer in 1957, recommending ‘a peerless Master’; a rough Cornishman who came to ‘say, sing and dance glory, glory’, and left an unforgettable testimony to cheerful Christianity; a Yale undergraduate who lived to ‘arrest the flow of Indian souls rushing on to a lost eternity’; and, finally, a Scot who wandered the earth before he came to love Christ and the poor of Dundee more than he loved all else.
By : Andrew Bonar
Heavenly Springs
Andrew Bonar was to devotional literature what his brother Horatius was to hymn-writing- a master of thoughtful meditation on God’s word. There was poetry in his soul, but he had also come to see that ‘prayer should be the main business of every day’. This was reflected in his life and ministry, as those who knew him, or heard him speak, recognized. He moved among men as one who lived in the presence of God.
By : Derek W.H. Thomas
Ichthus is the Greek word for a fish. Its five Greek letters form the first letters of the early Christian confession that ‘Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Saviour.’ To draw a fish sign meant: ‘I am a Christian.’
To be a Christian, according to the New Testament is to know Christ. But who is he, and what is the meaning of his life? In Ichthus Sinclair Ferguson and Derek Thomas answer these questions by taking us on a tour of nine key events in Jesus’ life and ministry. Their aim is to help us both understand and share the confession of those early Christians who drew the fish sign.
By : John Calvin
Institutes of the Christian Religion
‘Any who wish to encounter Calvin’s systematic theology at its most pastoral, freest from controversial preoccupations, and mediated through superlative translation, should devour this rendering of the Reformer’s own French version of the second edition of his Institutes.’ — J. I. PACKER
By : John G. Paton
John G. Paton
‘Early in my life I was enduringly impacted by Paton’s autobiography edited by his brother, James. The story was a stunning account of dedication, desperation, sacrifice at the most extreme level, and selfless love to Christ. I was marked for life by the amazing missionary adventure and the far reaching and lasting gospel impact of that one man empowered and protected by the Holy Spirit.’ — JOHN MACARTHUR
By : Sinclair B. Ferguson
John Owen on the Christian Life
The truth is that Owen had come-by intensive and constant study of both Scripture and the human heart- to know both himself and God. It was out of this rich experience that he preached and wrote on the loftiest themes of Christian theology.
By : David Calhoun
Knowing God and Ourselves
The goal of Knowing God and Ourselves is to help students, especially beginning students, of Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion to better understand what they are reading and to encourage them to persist in working through this important but challenging book.
Calvin intended the Institutes to be a guide in reading Scripture and a theological companion to his commentaries. Above all, he wanted his readers to respond to biblical truth with love for God and obedient lives. The subtitle of this book is Reading Calvin’s Institutes Devotionally. Reading the Institutes devotionally is not merely one way of reading Calvin’s book. It is the only way to read it.
By : Allan Harman
Learning About the Old Testament
How does the Old Testament relate to your faith? Is it just a collection of thrilling stories an strange rules which have been superseded by the New Testament? Or is it a source of guidance and learning that helps maintain a vigorous Christian life?
In Learning About the Old Testament Allan Harman explains many different aspects of the Old Testament, particularly the importance of covenant in God’s relations with humanity. This is seen in what he promised at creation, and to Noah and Abraham. Harman also covers the history of Israel, looking at the exodus from Egypt and the covenant instituted at Sinai. In particular, he shows how the Messiah is anticipated.
By : Charles Spurgeon
Lectures to my Students
Spurgeon’s Lectures to my Students, contain the substance of Spurgeon’s regular Friday afternoon addresses to the college students.
By : Charles Spurgeon
Metropolitan Tabernacle Vol. 38
Leading these fifty-two sermons (exactly half from the Old Testament) are the last which C. H. Spurgeon personally prepared for the press before his death at the age of fifty-seven on January 31, 1892. From the best unpublished sermons of the closing years of Spurgeon’s life, J.W. Harrald (his faithful assistant) put the rest of this volume together.
By : Richard Alderson
No Holiness No Heaven
What is the Christian’s relationship with God’s Law? He has been set free from its condemnation; but is he still under the moral law as a rule of life? Or is he free to live as he pleases? Is holiness an optional extra?
By : David Broughton Knox
Not By Bread Alone
Thomas Watson’s exposition is always simple, illuminating and rich in practical application. He explains that both the best and the worst experiences work for the good of God’s people. He carefully analyses what it means to be someone who ‘loves God’ and is ‘called according to his purpose.’
Old Evangelistic Sermons
‘I have not heard such preaching for years. . .I wish every minister of the Lord in America could have heard the sermons I have heard from this anointed servant of the Lord.’ So wrote Dr. Wilbur M. Smith of Fuller Theological Seminary, in Moody Monthly, after hearing Martyn Lloyd-Jones preach an evangelistic sermon from the Old Testament.
By : Eric J. Alexander
Our Great God and Saviour
These warm and pastorally-directed studies will provide satisfying food for the hearts and minds of Christian readers everywhere.
By : Octavius Winslow
Personal Declension and Revival of Religion in the Soul
Many who are conscious that their spiritual experience and vitality have sadly declined have only a hazy notion of the nature and causes of their condition. The kind of searching analysis which would help to clarify their thoughts and concentrate their sense of conviction is largely absent from the contemporary pulpit and from the Christian literature of the day.
Prayer A Biblical Perspective
These words of J. C. Ryle are as true today as they were when they were first written over 150 years ago. Prayer matters, and Eric Alexander’s chief concern in this book is to remind Christians that prayer is fundamental, and not supplemental, both in the individual and in the corporate lives of God’s people. He shows that nowhere is this dependence on prayer more fully exemplified than in the life and teaching of Jesus himself, and in the ministry of the New Testament church.
By : Thomas Brooks
Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices
‘Christ, the Scripture, your own hearts, and Satan’s devices, are the four prime things that should be first and most studied and searched…’
By : Allan Harman
Preparation For Ministry
Preparation For Ministry deals with important issues relating to a call to the Christian ministry, theological training, and entry into pastoral work.
By : James M. Garretson
Princeton and Preaching
‘From Dr. Garretson comes a first-class account of a first-class delineation of the preaching ministry by a first-class theologian, mentor, and minister of the gospel – the versatile Archibald Alexander, who for its first generation virtually was Princeton Seminary in both its academic and its practical aspects, and who laid the foundation for all its future greatness. Alexander is a neglected figure, and it is high time for someone to begin to do him justice, as Dr. Garretson does. Enrichment and enjoyment in equal parts await the student of this excellent book.’ — DR. J.I. PACKER
By : Arthur W. Pink
Profiting From the Word
The question of profiting from Scripture provides the theme for this book, originally published as a series in Studies in the Scriptures. How much profit do we gain from our reading of the Bible? ‘All Scripture’, we are told in 2 Timothy 3:16, 17, ‘is profitable’, but how much do we gain from our reading of Scripture, and by what means can we learn to profit more?
By : John Murray
Redemption Accomplished and Applied
‘Murray’s distinctive… is his careful exegesis of Scripture passages, so that his theological assertions come straight from the Word of God with all the authority which that gives them. His treatment of the order of application of redemption is masterly… one of the greatest theological books written in the last hundred years.’ — FREE CHURCH WITNESS
By : Andrew Bonar
Robert Murray M‘Cheyne
The life and ministry of a young man who lived in the presence of God, and brought an overwhelming sense of that presence to men.
By : Hugh Martin
Shadow of Calvary
Calvary cast a shadow over the whole of Christ’s ministry. It was, however, in the last hours of his earthly life that he entered into the full consciousness of ‘the cup’ of suffering which he had to drink.
In The Shadow of Calvary Hugh Martin leads us through the awesome events in the garden of Gethsamane and the arrest and the trial of Jesus Christ. These he interprets in the light of the fulfillment of the Scriptures and the subsequent fruit of Christ’s suffering.
By : S.M. Houghton
Sketches from Church History
‘If you’re the kind of person who has never read a book on church history, this should be your first one…It’s clear, it goes through everything, he picks up edifying accounts, it’s reliable.’ — MARK DEVER