History & Biography
By : Ian Fleck
Bringing Christianity to Nigeria
The foundation and development of Christian missions in Nigeria. The incredible stories of early missionaries. The enduring impact of their work on Nigeria’s spiritual landscape. Despite gaps in our knowledge, Fleck’s meticulous research brings to light the awe-inspiring dedication and unwavering faith of those who ventured into the unknown to fulfill God’s will.
By : John G. Paton
John G. Paton
‘Early in my life I was enduringly impacted by Paton’s autobiography edited by his brother, James. The story was a stunning account of dedication, desperation, sacrifice at the most extreme level, and selfless love to Christ. I was marked for life by the amazing missionary adventure and the far reaching and lasting gospel impact of that one man empowered and protected by the Holy Spirit.’ — JOHN MACARTHUR
By : Andrew Bonar
Robert Murray M‘Cheyne
The life and ministry of a young man who lived in the presence of God, and brought an overwhelming sense of that presence to men.
By : S.M. Houghton
Sketches from Church History
‘If you’re the kind of person who has never read a book on church history, this should be your first one…It’s clear, it goes through everything, he picks up edifying accounts, it’s reliable.’ — MARK DEVER
By : Arnold Dallimore
Spurgeon, A Biography
Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834–92) is a name with which every Christian should be familiar. His ministry reached far beyond his London congregation. Not a man to water down his message to attract hearers, his doctrinally rich sermons – as preached and published – provide the meat of biblical Christianity to rich and poor alike.
By : Susannah Spurgeon
Susannah Spurgeon: Free Grace and Dying Love
Mrs. Spurgeon’s A Carillon of Bells consists of twenty-four daily meditations on selected texts of Scripture. Full of spiritual devotion to Christ, her words ring out ‘the old truths of free grace and dying love’ on every page.