
  • Biblical Theology

    The aim of this book is no less than to provide an account of the unfolding of the mind of God in history, through the successive agents of his special revelation. Vos handles this under three main divisions: the Mosaic epoch of revelation, the prophetic epoch of revelation, and the New Testament.

  • Christian Take Heart

    Christian: Take Heart! is an antidote to bring healing to the lives of Christians impaired by wrong-headed teaching. But it is also Tom Wells’ confession: ‘I too have been a thief. I have stolen God’s Word from his people’. His exposition of biblical teaching is all the more relevant because written out of a background of personal experience of its misinterpretation. Its chapters on assurance, abiding in Christ, defeat, God’s work in our lives, perseverance and security will encourage both healthy thinking and healthy living in the lives of God’s people.

  • Devoted To God’s Church

    Being a Christian is not an individualistic or isolated activity. Believing also involves belonging. Being a Christian, by definition, involves belonging to the church.

  • God Made Them Great

    Estimating greatness not by the usual standards of judgment, John Tallach retells the story of five lives: a German missionary in England who gave his life to the orphans of Bristol’s slums; a Canadian girl who served the Lisu of China and died of cancer in 1957, recommending ‘a peerless Master’; a rough Cornishman who came to ‘say, sing and dance glory, glory’, and left an unforgettable testimony to cheerful Christianity; a Yale undergraduate who lived to ‘arrest the flow of Indian souls rushing on to a lost eternity’; and, finally, a Scot who wandered the earth before he came to love Christ and the poor of Dundee more than he loved all else.

  • Ichthus

    Ichthus is the Greek word for a fish. Its five Greek letters form the first letters of the early Christian confession that ‘Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Saviour.’ To draw a fish sign meant: ‘I am a Christian.’

    To be a Christian, according to the New Testament is to know Christ. But who is he, and what is the meaning of his life? In Ichthus Sinclair Ferguson and Derek Thomas answer these questions by taking us on a tour of nine key events in Jesus’ life and ministry. Their aim is to help us both understand and share the confession of those early Christians who drew the fish sign.

  • J.C. Ryle

  • Prayer A Biblical Perspective

    These words of J. C. Ryle are as true today as they were when they were first written over 150 years ago. Prayer matters, and Eric Alexander’s chief concern in this book is to remind Christians that prayer is fundamental, and not supplemental, both in the individual and in the corporate lives of God’s people. He shows that nowhere is this dependence on prayer more fully exemplified than in the life and teaching of Jesus himself, and in the ministry of the New Testament church.

  • Preparation For Ministry

    Preparation For Ministry deals with important issues relating to a call to the Christian ministry, theological training, and entry into pastoral work.

  • Spurgeon, A Biography

    Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834–92) is a name with which every Christian should be familiar. His ministry reached far beyond his London congregation. Not a man to water down his message to attract hearers, his doctrinally rich sermons – as preached and published – provide the meat of biblical Christianity to rich and poor alike.
