
  • Metropolitan Tabernacle Vol. 38

    Leading these fifty-two sermons (exactly half from the Old Testament) are the last which C. H. Spurgeon personally prepared for the press before his death at the age of fifty-seven on January 31, 1892. From the best unpublished sermons of the closing years of Spurgeon’s life, J.W. Harrald (his faithful assistant) put the rest of this volume together.

  • A Lifting Up for the Downcast

    These thirteen sermons on Psalm 42:11, preached at Stepney, London, in the year 1648 are the work of a true physician of souls. In dealing with believers suffering from spiritual depression, Bridge manifests great insight into the causes of the saints’ discouragements such as great sins, weak grace, failure in duties, want of assurance, temptation, desertion and affliction. A correct diagnosis is more than half the cure but Bridge does not leave his readers there. He gives directions for applying the remedy.

  • The Life of Elijah

    The life of Elijah has gripped the thought and imagination of preachers and writers in all ages. His sudden appearance out of complete obscurity, his dramatic interventions in the national history of Israel, his miracles, and his departure from the earth in a chariot of fire all serve to that end. ‘He comes in like a tempest, who went out like a whirlwind’, says Bishop Hall; ‘the first we hear from him is an oath and a threat.’ Judgement and mercy were mingled throughout Elijah’s astonishing career.

  • Christian in Complete Armour vol 3

    The Christian in Complete Armour is certainly one of the greatest of all the Puritans’ practical writings and has been republished many times. This third volume in the 3-volume paperback set is a modernized abridgement of the Puritan classic by William Gurnall.

  • The Life of Elijah

    The life of Elijah has gripped the thought and imagination of preachers and writers in all ages. His sudden appearance out of complete obscurity, his dramatic interventions in the national history of Israel, his miracles, and his departure from the earth in a chariot of fire all serve to that end. ‘He comes in like a tempest, who went out like a whirlwind’, says Bishop Hall; ‘the first we hear from him is an oath and a threat.’ Judgement and mercy were mingled throughout Elijah’s astonishing career.

  • Old Evangelistic Sermons

    ‘I have not heard such preaching for years. . .I wish every minister of the Lord in America could have heard the sermons I have heard from this anointed servant of the Lord.’ So wrote Dr. Wilbur M. Smith of Fuller Theological Seminary, in Moody Monthly, after hearing Martyn Lloyd-Jones preach an evangelistic sermon from the Old Testament.

  • All Things For Good

    Thomas Watson’s exposition is always simple, illuminating and rich in practical application. He explains that both the best and the worst experiences work for the good of God’s people. He carefully analyses what it means to be someone who ‘loves God’ and is ‘called according to his purpose.’
