Andrew Bonar

Andrew Bonar

  • 4
  • Visitor’s Book of Texts

    The pastoral visitation of the sick and sorrowful is a spiritual exercise. Its purpose is to bring God’s Word to those in need in the prayerful hope of the Spirit’s blessing upon it. Such visitation is not the preserve of pastors only; it is the duty of the whole church, as our Lord reminded his disciples with the words, ‘I was sick, and ye visited me’.

  • Asahel Nettleton

  • Heavenly Springs

    Andrew Bonar was to devotional literature what his brother Horatius was to hymn-writing- a master of thoughtful meditation on God’s word. There was poetry in his soul, but he had also come to see that ‘prayer should be the main business of every day’. This was reflected in his life and ministry, as those who knew him, or heard him speak, recognized. He moved among men as one who lived in the presence of God.

  • Robert Murray M‘Cheyne

    The life and ministry of a young man who lived in the presence of God, and brought an overwhelming sense of that presence to men.
