Frederick S. Leahy

Frederick S. Leahy

  • 5
  • Victory of the Lamb

    At Calvary, the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, was not a victim of circumstances but a victor over circumstances: ‘The conflict at Calvary was the crucial and determining encounter between the Lamb of God and Satan. . . At the cross, Christ won and Satan lost, and Satan and his fellow-spirits knew it. . . There is liberation. Christ has won. Actual victory! That is something to preach!’

  • The Hand of God

    This work is packed full of sane, pastoral wisdom and is the product of a passionately God-centred theology. Leahy demonstrates how the sovereignty of God is deeply relevant to every area of life. He makes penetrating application of biblical teaching to contemporary issues such as the environment and materialism. His main aim is to comfort and strengthen the people of God. Life in this fallen world can sometimes be very difficult and baffling. Leahy deals sensitively with the problem of suffering and evil, and assures us that God is in control of all events. The Lord may use suffering to chasten and discipline us, but he always does so in love, for our eternal benefit.
